We had our 15 week appointment last week which went really well. I have gained 7 pounds thus far and our baby's heartbeat was 155 beats per minute. Everything is right on track!
15 weeks

16 weeks

I am still wearing my 'regular' pants to work, although I found myself unbuttoning them this past week and felt a bit more comfortable after doing that. I was afraid my pants would fall down but thankfully I never ran into that problem...whew! I think I'm going to go this route for a few more weeks but I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and buy a pair of maternity pants that I can wear to work that will grow with me and the baby!
Andrew and I are both headed out of town this coming weekend. I'm headed to LA to visit my friend Megan and Andrew is headed to New Orleans for his best friend Bo's bachelor party. I'm excited for a little getaway and I'm just hoping I have an aisle seat so that I don't have to bug my fellow passengers to let me out to use the loo!
Until next time (which I promise will be sooner than this past cyber dry spell) have a great one!