Thursday, April 22, 2010

Say Cheese!

It's not often that people look forward to doctor's appointments, but this kind of doctor appointment is different. Andrew and I count down the days and wonder what our little bambino is going to look like the next time we see him/her. As you can tell by the pictures below, the little one is definitely growing! The first ultrasound at 8 weeks didn't look like much of anything...a fuzzy little kidney bean, but now we can see a head and a nose at 12 amazing! The baby was moving around a lot, and being "stubborn" as the technician noted (hmmm...I wonder who he/she got that from?). Baby Brausa was stretching it's legs and squirming around. It took an hour to get the pictures she needed, but the little one finally cooperated.

I asked the technician if she could tell the sex yet...she hesitated and said, "well, I think it might be a girl, but I'm not positive". Now I'm really confused, because I had a dream before I found out I was pregnant (around week 4) that we were having a boy. It's 50/50...and we have to wait until June 9th to fine out. It feels like ages away but this will help me learn to be more patient :)

OH, and the due date of course! How could I forget to tell you? It's October 30th. So, we are definitely having a little Scorpio, we just don't know if it will be in October or November...depends on how "stubborn" Baby Brausa decides to be. :)

8 week ultrasound on 3/22/10 - 1.73 cm

12 week ultra sound on 4/21/10 - 5.8 cm - mainly a picture of the head (top of head is on the right) and you can see the nose, chin and chest

1 comment:

  1. Megan I am so thrilled for you! How fun that you and Mollie get to be pregnant together, that is awesome! I am excited to read along and experience with you! Congrats!!
