It's not a big surprise that our lives have completely changed...for the better of course! We have had an exciting, emotional, and tiring first 2 weeks but we are learning so much about Avery and we can't believe how much she is changing everyday. She has been gaining weight and we can tell as her cheeks are filling out a bit! I am surprisingly getting very used to my 1 hour chunks of sleep 4-5 times a day too...this may come as a shock to those of you that know I used to need 9 hours a night! It's pretty easy to get used to sleep deprivation when you love the little person to death that you are up at all hours with :)
I got some old photos of Andrew and I when we were babies and thought it would be fun to compare with Avery. I think the picture of when Andrew was born looks a lot like Avery but I think her profile looks a lot like me. What do you think?
style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 320px; height: 400px;" src="" border="0" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_553574854972/>O_ID_5535751532202740898" />
Above is Avery at week 1
Below is Avery week 2
I originally had the text in the correct places but somehow it didn't end up exactly where I wanted it to go...but the Halloween "costume" above was the only outfit I could find for a baby not quite 6 lbs. She was a trooper although I think the one picture with her facial expression says it all..."Seriously Mom?" I'm looking forward to more options for next year :)
On another note, I wanted to update you on my Dad's situation. For those of you that don't know, my Dad was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance last Wednesday because he was having difficulty breathing. Apparently he hadn't been feeling well for the few days leading up to this. At the time we thought the worst as his health went downhill quickly. It's been an emotional week not knowing what the next day was going to bring for him but I'm happy to say he is improving day by day. Mollie flew down to Florida to be with him last Thursday and came home on Sunday. I debated on whether or not to go but since Avery was only a week old I decided against it. Without going into detail (of which I am not even sure I could explain everything properly) he is off the ventilator and eating ice chips. He still has a long way to go but I wanted to thank those of you who have kept him in your thoughts and prayers. Claudia continues to call Mollie and I with updates so I will keep you posted.
I will try to update the blog on a weekly basis, so stay tuned!
Megan...she is beautiful and I think she looks a lot like you!! I am so glad you are loving being a new mommy. I've been thinking a lot about you, knowing you wish you could be in 2 places at once. Praying for your dad!!! We love him so very much!!